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Do you have a website builder?


We don't offer a website builder because we believe that, to build the best and most professional-looking website, you've got to design it yourself.

This doesn't mean loads of coding or hand-building every page though - you can use software like Drupal or WordPress to make building your website really easy. We've included both Drupal and WordPress as Preinstall options for our virtual servers, so you can get going with WordPress very quickly and without any configuration hassle.

If you don't fancy using an app like this to build your site, you can hand-code the HTML. If you don't have any coding experience, sites like Codecademy are a great place to start learning - or you can ask for help on communities like StackOverflow.

If you don't want to build your website yourself, you can find a web developer to help you. Sites like PeoplePerHour or Microlancer are great places to find people to help with particular jobs, or you can do a web search for web designers in your area to find someone. Make sure you tell them you're with Laser Shark - we've got a bunch of features designed especially for web designers and developers that make it really easy for them to get going with designing your website.